06 juin, 2005

Who knows who you are?

Who knows who you are?
You told them your name,
They gave you a nickname.
You told them your age,
They left you alone.
You told them where you grew up,
They laught at you.

Who knows who you are?
They don't give a damn who you are.
They don't want to know who you are,
They want to be knowned, like you.

Who knows who you are?
They can be mean, cruel.
But the hurt they inflict,
Is a result of the hurt they live
every day, all the time, like you.

Who knows who you are?
They don't really want to know,
Too scared about what they may find
Too scared about what they may not find
Too scared to find something like them
Too scared to find anything else.

Who knows who you are?
Can you blame them?
Do you know who they are?
Do you want to know who they are?
Can you blame yourself?

Who knows who you are?
Do you even know yourself?
Do you even want to know yourself?
Who was it that you were meant to be?
If you don't know yourself, how can they?

Who knows who you are?
Who is yourself?
They won't answer that
They can't answer that
They don't know themselves

Who knows who you are?
Some things are meant to happen
Some things are not
You are yourself
Like they are themselves

Who knows who you are?
If you don't care to know yourself,
How can they care to know themselves?
If you dont care to know them,
How can they care to know you?

Jag - 2004